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My Veggie Garden update

The video contains the plants I had planted in the spring of 2016, rather i had fallen back by 1 month , which includes Tomatoes, Herbs, Green Pepper, potato, Banana pepper, Green Chillies etc.

But promise you to take you along for the next spring season for the complete process from what soil and compost to be used, collecting/buying the seeds or as plants ,if seeds then how to grow it indoor and when to transplant it outdoor, getting rid of bugs by using organic products & harvesting !

A garden can be created anywhere, space should never be any issue, especially these days when you have so many options like - vertical garden, terrace garden, balcony garden, container gardening , window sill garden etc .

I have already many request from my friends and subscribers, as to guide them how to grow some plants they like.

Hope my video and post will generate a wish in YOU to create your own little green space. Good Luck !

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