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How to Clean/wash Fruits and veggies the right way

Vinegar , so many uses with one product. One such way is to remove the impurities and dirt which doesn't come out with our regular hurry burry wash. If you stick to the habbit,its easy to follow every single time. I know, you must be thinking many chemicals inside the fruit / veggie these days, some claiming organic still carry lots of hidden chemical... my answer to all those worries would be ... why not try and eradicate the chemical as much as possible.

There is no 100 % guarantee of removing complete dirt, but yes you yourself will notice the difference .

Whichever fruits and veggies, that we use directly without pealing - those can be washing as per instructions grapes, Okra, Strawberry(most chemical ), spinach (most chemical), blueberry or any berries, tomatoes, beans, etc

All you need is :- Vinegar 1/2 cup

Your Main Ingredients


Method :-

1) Soak the Fruit/ Veggie, in the water , the water level should be above the main ingredient.

2) Add vinegar :- fruits 1 cup = Vinegar 1/2 cup

More Fruits = Vinegar 1/4

3) Keep for 15-30 mins .

4) drain and wash with fresh water.

Do it & notice the difference.

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