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Sabudana Vada / Patties

Sabudana Vada or patties , is something which my mom prepares during fasting. Usually she prepares the sabudana khichadi, whereas once in a while deep fried stuff wont hurt. This can also be made other days just as a snack. you can adjust the spice level as per your taste and preferance.

Fasting meaning as per google :- abstain from all or some kinds of food or drink, especially as a religious observance.

I love how it taste when dipped with cold sweet yogurt dipping, slurp slurp ...i bet your mouth is watering too .


Sabudana 1 Cup

Potato / Aloo 2 Large Boiled( Hard boiled )

Cumin Seeds / Jeera 1 Tsp

Coriander /Cilantro 2 Tbsp

Red Chilli Powder 1/2 Tsp

Roasted Peanut powder 2 Tsp

Salt 1 Tsp

* Note :- a) While buying always go for bright white colored Sabu & if you are not sure of the quality, don't buy in bulk - buy small quantity.

b) For Peanut powder - Take a pan, take 1 cup of Peanuts and dry roast until the outer cover/ layer becomes golden ( make sure it doesn't burn) , once it cools down remove the skin / outer layer by squashing it in between your palms and you will notice the peanuts is separated from its skin. collect all the peanut (white in color) and pulse grind into coarse kind of powder , extra you can store for months in refrigerator.

Method :-

1) Wash the sabudana atleast 3 times, drain and soak it overnight( or minimum 4 hrs) in water only 1 level above the sabudana, as shown in the below picture. Keep it covered .

2) The next day, you can notice the pearls of sabu are not sticking to each other and are nice and fluffy . Take a large bowl, add Sabudana , add mashed boiled potato(Aloo) , Cumin Seeds/ Jeera , Red Chilly Powder, Salt, Chopped Coriander Leaves, Roasted Peanut Powder & Combine everything well.

3) Start shaping into small patties( as shown in below pic) . You can add 1 extra small boiled potato, in case the patties are falling apart.

Optional :- >>>

You can place these patties in the refrigerator for 15 minutes- which will help keep the vada not crumble while frying.

4) Take 2 Cups of oil for deep frying & let it be hot enough for deep frying.

You can drop 1 pearl to check if the oil is good to fry (do not add if the pearl doesn't fry quickly). And fry all the patties 2 or 3 at one time, depending on your pan size. Less the better. Fry on medium flame, so to cooks evenly until golden in color as seen in the below pic or you can quickly see the video on the Top

Let the vada rest on a kitchen towel, in-order to remove all the excess oil.

*you can even bake the vada instead of deep frying .

For the Dipping Sauce :-

Method :-

1) In a small bowl , add 1 cup of Yogurt, Salt (Optional) , Sugar & stir well until nice & fluffy .

2) Sprinkle some red chilly powder & roasted cumin powder (Optional)

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