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How to jazz up your Coffee table.

Here i am with my most favorite hobby, decorating Home or any space.. I am a firm believer that we don't have to spend a large chunk of money, to do what we love . DIY 's,making something totally cool out of broken/discarded stuff ... is my style.

. Clutter makes me anxious ...anxious to clear up the space and organize it and put it back where it actually belongs. Its easy on mind, to spend less time hunting for things and same time messing up things which you had just cleaned ..

If you have kids at home, no matter big or small, then you might agree with me, as how the cleaning & picking up things is an on going process,..everything in the house can get topsy turvy. some just give up on cleaning/ organizing, whereas some like me...the crazy ones who struggle to make those cushion at the correct angle . jokes ;)

There are some quotes as mentioned below floating around on social network, may slow me down but then the next day i forget and gear up again for mission cleanliness .

Window shopping and cleaning up the house is a therapy for me. about you ???

If you love to read about those tips and tricks that i follow to make any space neat and nice.

Leave a comment, if you think i have started on a good note and you want to see more...

Let's begin our journey with living room. The space which is the first thing anyone entering your home notice. Will show you a larger picture soon.

There are million ways and zillion style, to decorate. I am a minimalistic, i love buying stuff ,but then back of mind i always question- do i really need this? ...or can i can wait until i get a better deal or a better product.

Let's get to the topic on baby steps :-


*Have a rectangular table , not exactly my choice - its not a great table. Nevertheless we can still beautify it , & take away all the attention of its being, not so glamorous.

* Also i have used copper vessel, which is used in many hindu homes during puja's to place coconut along with beetle leaves or many use it to store water for drinking, as drinking from copper vessel is linked to many health benefits. ( i do it once in a while,whereas i should be doing it religiously :( )

* Used a table runner(from india ) gifted by my lovely sister, which has beautiful embroidery work all over it and the various colorful elephants gives a very Indian touch to it.

* Also placed is a tray which is usually used for carry beverages when guest arrive. Whereas other times its hardly of any use.

*There is a brass magnifier glass, a copper leaf from Tj.Max, a beautiful coaster with a pomegranate tree and the copper vessel ...pulled the red color from the coaster into the flowers - Red Roses !

* Also you can place is some beautiful magazines which is of good use to of your guest who prefer reading or shuffling the pages, if gets bored with all the talking ...Try to look for book covers which goes with your over all theme of colors in the living room.

* I have shade of grey on walls, so kept the decor in white, greens , very little reds only on the center table & light and dark blues ..

* If you have young kids or toddlers especially the ones who loves to play or touch decor glass stuff, it is always in the best interest of both party - kids & we the moms' ,to not to keep anything that can break and hurt them. If you dont have small kids and love to keep valuable idols and glass candle holders or vases , a bowl of water with fresh flowers (break its stem until the top and let it float around) or some floating candles , some fake and real plants..etc

* I have few indoor plants in each corners which enhances the look of any room & also help purify the indoor air. You can find them at any nearest #LOWES or any nursery.

The name & detail of the above plant is mentioned below. It looks fake plant though its real.

The 2nd indoor plant i recommend is Peace Lily, helps purify the air. Place a few in your home...Very good for people who have allergies. Winter time is a difficult time to maintain even the indoor plants. My peace lily new leaves are making its way out.

If you like my this post, give me a like and stay tuned for next post. Started with a small note, hope to take it to the next level.

Thanks ;-)


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