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How to make Sprout salad

How to sprouts beans and lentils at home VIDEO

Sprout Salad Recipe VIDEO

Wanna go healthy ? Loose some extra pounds ? Have acidity ? Bloating issues ? well make these sprout salad as a part of your everyday meal or can turn this into your breakfast / lunch or dinner. And notice the difference. Sprout Salad recipe. If you like what you watching and reading, do subscribe to my you tube channel or like my blog page and leave your valuable comments .

Ingredients :-

Sprouted lentil 1 Cup (Any)

Tomatoes 1 chopped or few cherry tomatoes half

Onion 1/2 or 1 small Chopped

Cucumber 1 cup Chopped

Coriander Leaves few Chopped

Avocado 1 chopped (Optional)

Lime or Lemon Juice 1/2 Tsp

Chat Masala or

regular salt 1/2 Tsp or totally skip it .

Method :-

1) First step is to sprout the lentil of your choice . I have listed above 2 is how to sprout lentils at home and second is sprout salad recipe.

1 Cup = serves 1 person or 2 kids .

In a large bowl, Take 1 cup sprouted lentil of your choice.

2) 1 Cup Tomato Chopped or you can take some cherry tomatoes as shown in the picture below.

I have cut them into half. Add them in the bowl with sprouts.

3) 1 Small Onion Chopped . You can take shallots instead or totally skip the onion if you don't like to eat raw. When eaten raw ,onions are considered to cure cough and cold. So you can decide, if you still want to skip it all together. Add it in the bowl with other 2 ingredients.

4) 1 Avocado Chopped . Once you cut open avocado, they can turn black in few minutes . So make sure you consume it quickly . Whereas as we will be using lime juice in the salad, it will help to maintain its green color little longer....but not forever.

5) Add 1 or 1/2 cup of chopped cucumber. Cucumbers are rich in two of the most basic elements needed for healthy digestion: water and fiber.

6) Few Coriander /Cilantro Leaves chopped. If you don't find coriander leaves you can totally add some other greens of your choice option would be parsley .

7) 1/2 of lime or lemon juice .

8) Add 1/2 tsp of Chat Masala or Regular Salt or totally skip salt.

Combine all well & you can enjoy your healthy salad. If you prepare some extra sprouts ( for 1 week) and store in air tight container refrigerator , you can enjoy this salad for 1 whole week , by adding or changing your veggies of your choice.

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