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Saffron Cardamom Oats

Oats are super nutritious , Contain a powerful Soluble Fiber, good for skin, Can Lower Cholesterol Levels, controls the blood sugar- in short reduces risk of diabetes , it can help you take control on your cravings and many more .. so if not everyday , lets have it at least on weekends or one in a week to begin with.

I am not sure about you guys, ..i don't like to begin my day with something sweet..

I have been following LUKE COUTINO on Fb and he had come up with a contest " no junk until 12 noon ) anything healthy, with lots of water and fruits for 1 week or more was the goal.

So i found the opportunity to test myself. So those 7 days , 3 days i ate oats followed by lots water and fruits until 12 Noon ... it is difficult when you are used to the yummy Indian breakfast and tea to go with. I am not addicted to any , but found out i feel very sleepy and kind of a mild headache if i don't have my morning tea, which went away after 3-4 days.

It will be a challenging task to give up on your habits. Thats the main purpose of this contest , to come out of your bad habits & to find out how your body reacts to sudden change in your diet.

Here is the link to Luke FB page, he talks and discuss about lots of home remedies & healthy stuff ...check him out ( )

Make "OATS" as a part of your diet, it doesn't matter if it is for breakfast, lunch or dinner . As an experiment i tried it as breakfast & also tried as dinner. I felt so light and full for energy .for me i prefer to make a small proportion of oats topped with some granola for dinner .In few days/ weeks you will realize how less bloated you will feel & full of energy instead. And those ladies who looking for options to reduce your belly size .. this is it !

If you are like me who cant eat sweet early morning ... then try making for dinner & Skip those heavy meal at dinner and rather go light ..take baby steps, its difficult to give up on your habits at one go. Give time for your body to adjust. I cant stress you more enough - do make Oats peeps !

Ingredients :-

Oats 1& 1/2 - 2 cups any (as required)

Milk 1 Glass

Water 1 Glass

Honey 1-2 Tsp (Optional)

Chia Seeds 1 Tbsp

Cinnamon Powder 1/2 Tsp

Cardamom Powder 1/2 Tsp

Saffron 1 Pinch Fruits Any


1 st -Cinnamon ;->> If you are using this for small kids, use only 1 pinch of it. It can burn their tongue.

2nd- Do not feed small kids directly without checking how hot it is ... it can burn their mouth . Always let it cool down and then feed them .

Method :-

1) In a pot pan ,boil 1 Glass of Water + 1 Glass of Milk .

2) Once it comes to a boil ,add cardamom and crushed saffron and let it mix together completely for 2 mins .

3) Then add Oats( 1 1/2 to 2 cups) as much required and keep stirring until it thickens to the right consistency. If while cooking you see you run out of liquid fast, you can add 1 cup of water and stir well & cook until you get it right.

4) If it gets too thick while serving, you can add 1-2 Tbsp of Hot water / cold and combine to loosen.

5) Sprinkle some Cinnamon Powder, Some Chia Seeds, Honey or any other sweetener and decorate with cut fruits of your choice.

*** If you find my post interesting , leave a comment on my blog or give a like ... or share your experience in form of comment if you tried to make any of my recipe or planning to do so soon . - Thanks !

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