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How to grow Garlic

Hey Everyone !

Its almost end of April 2018 , whereas some of us are still waiting for spring weather, so the seeds & saplings can be planted. It seems this year we are falling short of the time for the plants to thrive . Roughly 4 months for the plants to mature and bear fruits.

For all the gardeners out there , i hear you :(

Well until we all wait for that perfect weather, thought to lend some helping hand to all the beginners who live in the part of world where the weather is always bright and sunny.

I see a lots of queries regarding how to grow garlic on social media ! Folks trust me! Garlic is one of the easiest to grow even with small space, and that too without much hassle.

Please follow the detailed picture & instruction as below :-

1) You can grow them in containers on your balcony or terence, it doesn't have to be be in the ground. Always try and buy a Organic garlic , so you can grow Organic !

SOIL PREPARATION :- Mix together organic Soil, store brought organic Cow Manure & Peat moss(Optional) , this is the basic to grow any or all plants .

But if you cant find any of those above, use organic soil if possible & add organic plant food every 2 -3 weeks .

2) Take 1 full garlic and separate all the cloves , you can also peel off the outer cover ( as you will do to cook ) , you can even follow the video at the very top for additional information.

3) Now make a 2-3 inch hole , doesn't have to be too deep. ( just that your index finger can get it ) & place the single pod root side facing down .

4) Now cover with soil & give a small light press so the soil stays in place .

Place all of the single pods the same way , leaving at-least 4 inch of space.

Once done, water lightly. Water daily once , until all of the soil is wet .

Preferable use a watering can.

Before snow ,you can add a layer of mulch(optional) .

Below mentioned are Erik J. Eggert's experience in growing garlic -a member of group on Facebook - (The Rusted Garden: All About Vegetable Gardening)

I’ve been growing garlic in North Dakota for many many years. 1.) 4 inches is waaaay to close for garlic plants of a home gardener. If you want quality bulbs, shoot for at least 6 inches...I have mine at least 8 just to be safe. 2.) Garlic needs, and I can’t stress this enough, needs a dormant wintering period. So if you can’t get your cloves in the prior fall, save your self some time and just grow garlic chives, because spring sown garlic bulbs will not bulb up properly, if at all...most likely you will end up with garlic greens and that’s it. 3.). If you wait for the leaves to ‘die and fall off,’ you have waited a ridiculously excessive amount of time...and chances are the bulb will have already began separating itself in the ground and started new growth, and storage life will be shot. When the bottom 1/3 of the leaves begin to yellow, that’s your signal to start pulling your plants. You want as much green growth on top for curing purposes (each leaf is a wrapping around the bulb.)


I had sowed my cloves before the winter before the first frost.

And if you have forgotten, you can sow the pods right after the last frost date .

Whereas if you live in a place where it doesn't snow, there are no rules to be followed. It might take 2-3 weeks to see it shoot.

6) Below image show how i planted it leaving proper space among each.

Water regularly. Sprinkle organic plant food every 2 weeks.

7) Question : - How to know when to harvest / pull it out / garlic is ready ?

Ans :- USA :- you can wait until fall season , when you will notice the leaves fall off / dry off / turn yellow. That's the time, you can pull out one to check , if you notice as below. Then remove and shake well to remove all the dirt attached and leave it outside on the safe place for it to dry out for 4-5 days , just as you will find at a grocery store.

Other places :- It might take 4-5 months to mature and grow .

The rule remain the same everywhere , wait until you will notice the leaf fall off and becomes dry, pull out one to check . If you notice a fully grow garlic bulb , pull the rest as well. And let it dry on a safe place for nearly 4-5 days until the outer layer is hard enough.


The below image show how it was dry and then i plated it and hung them in a cool place or anywhere in the kitchen as well . Use as and when required.

9 )

You can keep cutting the leaves often with a pair of scissors from mid way and still the leaves will keep growing .

Wash it properly and use it in variety of dishes . Use it as garnish in raita/ yogurt , add it just as spring onions are used, make curry, add it in curries or make chutney as mentioned below.

Recipe :-

1) Grated or chopped fresh coconut - 1 cup

2) Garlic leafs - 2-3 leaf

3) salt - -1/2-1 Tsp

4) Ginger - 1 Small Piece.

5)Mint / Pudina - 1/2 Cup

6) Green Chilli -1-2 ( As per your taste)

7) Lime /lemon -1 /2 Lime juice .

8) Cilantro / Coriander Leaf - 1/2-1 Cup

Grind into a smooth paste .

The chutney will not taste divine, but eating them along with rest of the platter will enhance the flavor of the food. And its deffinately healthy !

Thanks for taking time to read, you can follow me or comment to ask any more queries .

Until then Happy Gardening !

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