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Steamed / Ukdiche Modak

This blog is about Modak ( Dumpling), is an Indian sweet popular in many parts of India. The sweet filling on the inside of Modak is freshly grated coconut and jaggery, with few other spices while the outer shell is made from rice or wheat flour.

Ingredients :-

Fresh Coconut 1 Full ( Grated)

Rice Flour 2 cups ( Used store brought rice flour of Iddiappam )

Jaggery 3/4

Poppy Seeds (Khus Khus) 1 Tsp

Salt 1/2 Tsp

Ghee 2 Tbsp( roast) + 1 Tsp (for dough)

Cardamom Powder 1/2 Tsp

Nutmeg Powder 1/2 Tsp

Water 3 cups

Method :-

1) Grate 1 full fresh coconut in a large bowl , as shown below.

2) Then in that coconut mixture add :- 1) Nutmeg Powder :- 1/2 Tsp

2) Cardamom Powder :- 1/2 Tsp

3) Poppy Seeds :- 1 Tsp

4) Powered Jaggery :- 3/4 Cup

And combine all well together.

3) In a kadhai/ pan add 2 Tbsp of Ghee , then add coconut mixture & roast for 10-15 Mins on low to medium flame, Until the jaggery melts and combines into the mixture completely.

( As shown in the below image )

4) Set /Remove the mixture in another bowl or a dish to completely cool it down.

5) In another large utensil preferably stainless, take 3 cups of water and let it come to a boil.

Then add 1/2 Tsp of Salt and 1 Tbsp of Ghee.

Also add 2 Cups of Rice powder and put off the flame. Give a quick mix and combine all well together.

Cover and set aside for 20-30 mins.

After 20-30 mins, once warm enough to touch, knead into a soft dough .

*** TIP :- 1) you can always add 1/2 -1 pinch of food color( red /yellow/orange) for more perfection .

2) Natural color :- Add few strands of Saffron while boiling water for dough to beautify the dough.

6) Use a modak mould if you are not good with shaping into a proper modak.

7) Grease the mould with Ghee, Oil or butter as per your preferance and hold the mould tight in your palm .

Step 1 :- 1st using a small portion fill in all 3 petals of modak with rice dough

Step 2 :- then fill in coconut mixture and

Step 3:- then finally seal with rice dough again get a perfect modak !!!

Please do watch the video listed at the very top for any query & more clear understanding.

Keep repeating until all your filling and dough gets over.

8) You can use any steamer you already have.

I have used a Idly cooker and set up a pressure cooker insert pot and steamed into 2 batches .

In any steamer :- 15 mins

Instant pot steamer :- 10 mins .

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